Peter Haining

1st January 2000 - 31st December 2009

The Peter Haining decade. Haining was an artist in his 50s who also became the curator of the Attic Archive. He spent five years researching and documenting the works of autodidactic and naïve artists in Ireland as he bicycled around the 32 counties (HIBERNIA). Upon his return to Scotland, he spent his time (re)cataloguing, digitising, exhibiting, and separating The Attic Archive and securing its relocation, in parts, into different collections. Nobody wanted to take the archive as a whole but larger segments ended up in the collections of the National Library of Scotland, the National Irish Visual Art Library, Dublin; Artpool Art Research Center at KEMKI Museum of Fine Art, Budapest, and the University of Dundee Archives and Museum Collections with a few artworks also taken into the collections of The McManus Gallery, Dundee, the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, and other smaller collections in Scotland.

Conversations With A Bear

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